Hello world

Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Hello world

Hello guys. My name is the_vendor1234. I’m new to the server, and I plan on making a lot of redstone builds. I will primarily design/build secret entrances that can only be activated with secret activation devices. I will also make other random redstone builds that I find interesting. If you are interested in seeing my builds, visit my plot anytime (/p h the_vendor1234) and feel free to copy my builds on your plot if you like. The main reason why I joined the server is to enhance my knowledge of redstone by seeing other people’s builds and getting help with my builds from some of the advanced redstoners.

Facts about me -I am Canadian -I don’t own a polar bear or live in an igloo or play hockey -I am currently in 9th grade (2014-2015) -I like watching youtubers that play minecraft (Etho, Sethbling, Mumbo) -I prefer playing creative minecraft -I enjoy playing hunger games, missile wars, and UHC on other minecraft servers -my favorite games are minecraft and GTA V. Those are the only games I play

Welcome to redstoner! ;D

if you need any help when your online then be sure to notify me and i can see if i can help you ;) if you wanna see what i have made just do /p h eniallator

I warn you we dis mumbo erry now and then :3
Don’t worry I don’t get offended by things like that lol