I got a new laptop on Christmas Day!

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I don’t really know where you can find the specs but it is a Acer Aspire E 13 Precision Touchpad (it is terrible because it messes up when Minecraft opens, the mouse lags, and it freezes a lot. GIGABIT LAN (what is that?) HD webcam (was kind of terrible but I only tested it with a artificial light) 4 GB DDR3 L Memory (do I have 3 GB of memory to use for downloading or 915 GB according to the c: drive?) 1000 GB HDD (Hard Drive?) Intel(R) HD graphics (really good) Altogether, it is very confusing and I think I missed something… Oh, it is Windows 8 with a Windows 7 start icon (weird). There :P -H5 & Zombert

c: drive?

C: <3 dem emojis, also D: drive xD

A ovae bl hardfgz lsepha


I love my Hardfg’s laptop?
