Reason to ban the user above you

Off topicOther → Reason to ban the user above you

So this is a game where you simply type a reason to ban the user above you

for absolute understanding:


Cheetie: title post

You: Plz ban cheetie because he is bad

It’s pretty fun, try not to start a war and we should be good.

@cheetie was banned for “get banscoped!!!1!!!1111!!one!1!!”
@Nightshade32 was banned for “Demote Douche!”
Ban redstoner pikachu because ur not a real pikachu
Ban doom because hes dumb
Ban doom hes being a dick

Ban @Nightshade32 for “banscoped!!!1!!!1111!!one!1!!” ing!


Ban @barrygold21 for “Not learning OLL and PLL” :3
Ban doom for being rude to doom
@Nightshade32 banned everyone for “get out of me swamp!”
ban nightshade for its my swamp
ban for his wr crap
Ban Doom for “G37 N05C0P3D!!!111!1111two2!!!!”
Ban @KidwaiFamily for thinking @ArhurValk was a web developer

Ban @Nightshade32 for banning me for 2 weeks in the past.

screw cheetie, I’m printing an official declaration of an MLG war, which should be done in 5 mins

Ban @chloetherat for “2 weeks in the past”.
ban @Nightshade32 for 2 weeks in the future
Ban @cheetie for “back, 2 weeks in the future”!
Makes a 2-clock /setblock ~ ~ ~ command_block 0 replace {Command:"ban *"} connects command block to 2-clock gets banned like everyone else until command blocks are disabled by @redstone_sheep and someone logs in with a new alt and deletes the clock in my plot
ban @KidwaiFamily for disables command blocks
ban @cheetie for new skin
01000010 01100001 01101110 00100000 01000000 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100011 01101111 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011
ban @MCtechnical for using an online binary generator
Ban @yop_tropic for posting the post above!
ban @yop_tropix for nope :/
ban @MCtechnical for yes :)
Ban @MCtechnical for ‘you used @All and it’s supposed to be @a dumbo’
Ban @TheEvanBomb for ‘having a derpy skin’
ban @pigman239 for is mine not way more derpy?
Ban @cheetie for having a frankenskin.
Ban @morethansleeving for No, Chat is not a command block :D
Ban @MCtechnical for but is it really? Cue Illuminati
Ban @cheetie for Illuminati confirmed
Ban @MCtechnical for MCtechnati confirm
Ban night for a non related username to his ign!
Ban @eangough for that’s not a we site rule!
Ban @barrygold21 for its Website not We site!
Ban @nalaek2004 for uWotsitem8.
ban @cheetie for doubleyouwotsitem8
ban @barrygold21 for tripledoubleyouwotsitem8
ban @cheetie for ’the ban hammer has spoken'
Ban @NightShade32 for I love you
Ban @eangough for but is not Shrek love and Shrek life?
Ban @cheetie I lost Controll of the ban hammer
sets up commandblock clock puts in command block /ban @a I win!
Ban @morethansleeving for setting up a clock that bans everyone including himself.
Ban @NightShade32 he is already banned so you can’t
Ban @eangough /pardon @a. /ban @eangough.
Ban @cheeta for ban hammer has broken
Ban @Ean for weird forum name
Ban @Doom_Blah so people know how to @ me
Ban @Eangough just use eangough?
Ban @cheeta because always stealing the game from arma
Ban @jameswhile I give it back though c:
Ban @Cheeta for 9 + 10 = 21
ban @eangough fuck off its 19 :D
ban @jameswhile for ‘Ikr’
ban @pigman239 for guys chill, we all knows it’s Darude - Sandstorm
Ban @cheeta for “we all knows.”
Ban @flying_MAchinez the grammar intensifies
Ban @cheeta for too much swag and 0 sweg
Ban @eangough 3fab5u
Ban @cheetie for 4<3 if 4 < 3…mind blown!
ban ean for being better at doors then me ( would prolly much have to ban the whole server then >:D )
Ban @kotovsyndrom for know how to logic… XD
Ban @MCtechnical for Command blocks are not enabled on this server!
Ban @cheeta for sma
Ban @eangough You have been bitten!
ban chee…ban me for not knowing why cheeta should be banned ( I just like this guy :-:)
ban @KotovSyndrom for <3
ban @cheetie for most replied thread ;)
Ban @cheetie for you banned yourself
Ban Ean for 2 many people on the server
Ban @Daan_nos for getRekt();
Ban this guy^ Because he is a smoker!
Ban @KILLAGIB4 your name is CAPS!
Ban @KILLAGIB4 for but you smoke weed everyday.
Ban @eangough for posting just before me :(
Ban both ya^ for getting rekted!
Ban Killa for banning smokers
Oh killum kotov but I ban you with making a big penis on a plot!
Ban both ^ for being smokers and also ban Kotov for his weird /nicks
Ban @KILLAGIB4 or killing gibs
Ban cheetie for banning gib for gib thinking I smoked
Ban @eangough Banception is real
Ban @cheetie for making this thread and spamming my email
Ban @cheetie for making this thread and spamming my email
Ban @Pyra for double posting

Ban @IXander_MC for not knowing how @ mentioning works.

Ban @KidwaiFamily for posting on this thread.

Ban @barrygold21 for banning me for posting on this thread
Ban @KidwaiFamily for you need dank trickshots to post here.
Ban @MCtechnical as his eye on his skin is almost covering his eye!
Ban @pokemon for the first amendment
Ban @eangough 3vocab5me
Ban @cheetie For no reason i have no f*cking eason 2 ban i need 2 ban because i have no reason atall
Ban @Daan_nos for not knowing how to spell reason correctly, and language please! And to is not two or 2. Plus atall is also not a correct word it is at all instead!
Ban @IXander_MC for grammar nazi intensifies
Ban @eangough for no i refuse
/ban cheetie Don’t post spammy threads.

Ban @KidwaiFamily No rules against that


Ban @cheetie constantly changing skin


WRONG there is 102 ==:D==

Ban @morethansleeving But skin is beautiful
ban @pigman239 for skipping 3 ranks
ban @nalaek2004 for “reason to ban the user above you
ban @yop_tropix Insert ban reason here
ban @morethansleeving for ‘Thy ban war-axe has spoketh upon thee!’
logs in as theevanbomb4 /unban morethansleeving /ban @cheetie for cheating

Ban @morethansleeving and TheEvanBomb4 for having alt accounts and using one of them to unban the other, then banning @cheetie because he cheated.

Get pwned now :D

Ban @barrygold21 for pwn too op
Ban @cheetie for get pwned too! :D
@barrygold21 this thread is getting old
ban @Doom_Blah for it still has the most replies :P
Ban @morethansleeving and TheEvanBomb4 for banning a showoff.
ban @barrygold21 for banning @morethansleeving for banning a showoff.
Ban cheetie for John Cena
Ban MikeyMatic for necroposting!
Ban Cookie for being a burnt cookie!
This thread is locked.