Cycle off for new players

ArchivesFeature requests → Cycle off for new players


What I want: Cycle off for new players

Cycle really shouldn’t be on for new players, as it might be really confusing, and be as if their inventory is glitching out. There isn’t really anything to tell them what cycle is either.

There is something to tell them how to use them, if they have read or going to read the info page, they can find a page that is called plugins (or something like that), and there they can read about that and most/all of the other plugins we have on this server.

The thing I want to happen is a link like the one we have, but this one goes directly to either the info or plugins page.

We should also encourage them more to read the info/plugin page to learn stuff like this.

@jonax12 I agree, a link that goes straight to the plugins page would be nice.
@redstone_sheep here is an actual link that goes directly to the cycle plugin.