Change to Rule 4

ArchivesWebsite feature requests → Change to Rule 4



Rule 4 states: “Do not ask for ranks! It won’t get you the rank any faster.”

However I was told by a few mods back when I was Member Rank to ask a mod to come check out my plot and if they like it, then they will make be builder rank.

I know Mods are suppose to check out peoples plots without the users asking, but to this day I still see people asking staff to “come check out my plot”.

Maybe make a exception for Builder Rank? Like this but simplified and compacted:

Rule 4. Do not ask for ranks! It won’t get you the rank any faster. But if you have Member Rank and have built lots of neat builds on your plot you may ask staff to come check it out and potentially up you.

Also, maybe put something at spawn or in the chat so when someone joins, it lets them know to go to and sign up to get Member Rank. That way we don’t need to see all the “how do I get white name” stuff.

Asking a mod to check you plot is not asking for ranks those are two whole different things so I assume there will he no change to this rule
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