10 tall 4 high expandable door challenge

RedstonerBuilding → 10 tall 4 high expandable door challenge


Make a 4 high door only 10 blocks tall that is expandable… Simple right?
Is there a limit to length, ir compact as possible?
There is no limit but you should try make it compact @chloetherat
Does it need to be seamless? if so, this aint my challenge xD
Seamless @ArhurValk but non seamless I guess is still hard
![1] (http://puu.sh/ezuRv/9c53853014.jpg) there its seamless but not flush and its 4 high door and the redstone is 4 high
@Subarashiviii in the title it says EXPANDABLE but sorry for not putting it in the writing box
I give up on this stupid thing