Introductions and Whatnot
Off topic → Introduce yourself! → Introductions and Whatnot
Well, here goes nothing.
I’m flying_MAchinez in Minecraft, but my username in every other place on the internet is Hiddentester. There’s no need for you to know my name, age, gender, religion, or any other personal information along those lines. However, this isn’t tautology, so I’ll be the only person that can tell you what is and is not along those lines.
On Redstoner, I’m commonly regarded as the server’s personal grammar Nazi, although I prefer to go by the title “Grammarian.” Thus, I can often be found correcting spelling and punctuation via chat messages, and may also be caught criticizing capitalization and sentence structure. As an inevitable result, the majority of the server is annoyed with me, and Kotov has placed me in the fourth place on his list of people to kill once he achieves the helper rank.
Despite my time spent critiquing grammatical errors, I still find time to do redstone. Although my redstoning skills are far from amazing, I would consider them adequate enough to tackle most of my survival redstoning needs. Other than that, I’m fairly mediocre with timing circuits and logic gates, although I’m constantly trying to improve. Consequently, my plot is fairly cluttered; it’s littered with contraptions.
If you’ve read all of that without so much as breaking a sweat, you should have no problem with me on the server.
Best regards, flying-MAchinez