Minimal class to replace st::vector in c++ for arduino.

Off topicProgramming → Minimal class to replace st::vector in c++ for arduino.

Saw this on a post somewhere, modified a bit with help from lilneo. Works very well, eats up memory fast as it gets big, extremely usefull for smaller stuff tho :)

// Minimal class to replace st::vector
template<typename Data>
class Vector {

	size_t d_size; // Stores no. of actually stored objects
	size_t d_capacity; // Stores allocated capacity
	Data *d_data; // Stores data this is this "heap" we need a function that returns a pointer to this value, to print it
	Vector() : d_size(0), d_capacity(0), d_data(0) {}; // Default constructor

	Vector(Vector const &other) : d_size(other.d_size), d_capacity(other.d_capacity), d_data(0) //for when you set 1 vector = to another
		d_data = (Data *)malloc(d_capacity*sizeof(Data));
		memcpy(d_data, other.d_data, d_size*sizeof(Data));
	}; // Copy constuctor

	~Vector() //this gets called
	}; // Destructor

	Vector &operator=(Vector const &other)
		d_size = other.d_size;
		d_capacity = other.d_capacity;
		d_data = (Data *)malloc(d_capacity*sizeof(Data));
		memcpy(d_data, other.d_data, d_size*sizeof(Data));
		return *this;
	}; // Needed for memory management

	void push_back(Data const &x)
		if (d_capacity == d_size) //when he pushes data onto the heap, he checks to see if the storage is full
			resize();  //if full - resize

		d_data[d_size++] = x;
	}; // Adds new value. If needed, allocates more space

	void Clear() //here
		memset(d_data, 0, d_size);
		d_capacity = 0;
		d_size = 0;

	size_t size() const { return d_size; }; // Size getter

	Data const &operator[](size_t idx) const { return d_data[idx]; }; // Const getter

	Data &operator[](size_t idx) { return d_data[idx]; }; // Changeable getter

	Data *pData() { return (Data*)d_data; }

	void resize()
		d_capacity = d_capacity ? d_capacity * 2 : 1;
		Data *newdata = (Data *)malloc(d_capacity*sizeof(Data)); //allocates new memory
		memcpy(newdata, d_data, d_size * sizeof(Data));  //copies all the old memory over
		free(d_data);                                          //free old
		d_data = newdata;
	};// Allocates double the old space
fucking codeblocks doesnt like this i guess
@redstone_sheep wtf is going on with the website, i wasnt even able to post pictures before
Well now i look like a moron :P fair enough. :)
Hia I love arduino