World Edit

RedstonerBuilding → World Edit

How can I use World edit? ( I’m builder)
//wand, //set (block) but if you do //help you get the to see all commands
There is also a guy on the server that always asks if anyone needs help with world edit. I believe his name is Barrygold or something like that not sure :(
@barrygold21 is his name.

Setting the area

//wand will give you the tool to select posisions right click at your first position and left click at your second (you can do it in any order)


Once you have selected the position that you want you can do //set (block name):(data value)


Once you select the area you want type //stack (however many times you want the selection to be repeated) it will then stack the selection however many times you put in and in the direction you’re facing. It will only work going Forwards,Backwards Left,Right Up,Down. W/E can’t do diagonals so if you get an error just face more allined to the way that you want to stack.


//copy will copy the selected area then allow you to do //paste and remake what you copied. (allows you to not rebuild it from hand). //copy and //paste can be easily confused because it copy&pastes relative to you. When you select an area that you want to be copied stand at a position close to it to make things easier (top right works for me). Once you go to //paste it will paste what you copy’d relative to you for example if you stood ~10 ~10 ~10 from the thing you copyd it will paste it in a way so that you’re ~10 ~10 ~10 away from it

Video Tutorials

The redstoner staff have kindly left a link to a list of video tutorials in numerous languages (english, german, french, polish, russian, portugese and more)

Link :

killa said it, when I’m online I will asking if anyone needs help, just ask me if you need any :P