Yo. Im your friendly neighborhood slime.
Off topic → Introduce yourself! → Yo. Im your friendly neighborhood slime.
Yo. Im your friendly neighborhood slime. I love to build piston doors, elevators, and many things redstone. I also love just being on the server with the staff members and the other players, making new friends, and building cool stuff in general. you can find my plot by typing /plot h TheEmptyChild if you wish to check out some of my builds. some of my most recent builds are a 5x5 piston door, and a elevator to the clouds. I like to stick to a theme, which is why my plot before the current one was a giant beach. Those of you who visit me often know this. or you could probably tell from my posts in chat. The current theme is Slime Land, a giant redstone test plot for me as well as the other players that i trust to just play around and have fun with redstone. There is also a secret mansion that only the best in redstone may access. this has been a public service announcement from SlimeBroadcasts. Thank you for listening, have a nice day.
Your user name sounds really depressing
its a reference to doctor who