Trusted world modification
Archives → Feature requests → Trusted world modification
As for your know only trusted and up can go to the trusted world. Also if we did allow people to come they might not be allowed to build, but they could block people from placing block if they stood in someone’s way, yet now in 1.8 there is gamemode 3 so now you could have people vanished and you are able to place block through them. Downsides if you are working a secret project builder and lower can see it. Also this can be taken good and bad, but they can’t see something in action with out someone trusted or up ie: they can’t flip a lever. How we could do this is automatically give them gm 3 and take away the gamemode perm in trusted. If you have your thoughts on this please place this in the replies.
I think someone would have to tpe them there.
Why would they? Just give them perms to go to through the trusted portal.
Downsides if you are working a secret project builder and lower can see it.
it could be fixed by not letting them wonder freely.
I think someone would have to tpe them there.
Why would they? Just give them perms to go to through the trusted portal
I was thinking of a way to counter the disadvantage
Oh i see @Subarashiviii