i got kicked becasue dico200 does not like me

RedstonerBlames → i got kicked becasue dico200 does not like me


http://puu.sh/eS6dT/c2fd99b954.png http://puu.sh/eS6eZ/d51087457d.png

^that is all I need because he’s a power abuse much I love how he kicks me and not @Zormuche92 this server is corrupted. there is mod like @KotovSyndrom @MisaXage etc. that use the rule and then there is @Dico200 o wait there is only 1 :D

You’ve been working on my nerves for a while, james. Continuously caging me etc. And this stuff too: http://puu.sh/eS6b5/9dacd666c8.png (continuously) You’re just continuously annoying me, and for that reason you’re the first person ever I /ignore’d, even though staff members should never /ignore someone. So there I confirmed I don’t like you for you. I don’t understand how you can be 17 years of age. I’m sorry if I offended you just there.

If you can stop being an annoying bitch I might consider de-/ignore-ing you. (Sorry if I had to use rude words to express the reality here)

I admit the kick was kinda out of place. I’m sorry for that. But I don’t see why you’re making this into such a big deal.

first don’t call me a bitch and then can u show me where on that puush it says your name. u may of been talking to winteg but that shows fuck all for all u know I can be talking about anyone I don’t call u so have the respect for not calling me
We both know who you were talking about. Winteg can confirm. And so can the logs.
like I said u where talking to winteg but because I said don’t talk to that mean man can u say it was u who i was talking to ?
im making a big deal out of this dico because I respected u fuck that now kicking me for fuck all its taking the piss I think we need to get everything out so u don’t like me and I give a shit now just because your admin at least I know the fucking rules u need to get a grip of your self dico
Is having a convo with winteg You: “don’t talk to that mean man Winteg8”
can we stop it its a fucking stupid forum
My two cents; I’m personally confused at why this thread even exists to be honest. Dico obviously stated that you spammed, which you clearly have. I am also beggining to become annoyed as people are reporting staff when said staff haven’t even done anything wrong and the person reporting has. I am also in agreement with dico that James is quite vexing and I’m sure other staff will be too.
pls tell me how this is spam if its spelled 2 different times


Rule 8 includes this if you did not know: “repetitive chat messages or characters are considered spam”.

Typing something in twice, is by definition repetitive, there for; he was in full justice when kicking you for breaking a written rule.

So hacker if u spell a word wrong when correct your self would that be classed as spam if someone is spamming off I’m going to say he’s spamming ofc
Well the simple solution is that you press shift and then 8 after the corected word and save a flame war… Or ya know, report the OWNER of the server…

@hackerthomas Yet he was kicked. for spam, I was there I was on ts with james at the time. all he did was

spell a word wrong, and then fix it


Do you not see the photo links James posted? Here clearly typed:

^kcik ^kick

Also, repeating the same word like “Hello” twice, has a different effect, than repeating something idiotic like “kcik”.

@hackerthomas He said

kcik and kick

which is correcting what he said



True. I did not completely see that.

Then no, the kick was not justice.

However it looks like James was being a dick to Dico, and deserved a kick for that.

I still do not understand why this is a report for an ADMINISTRATOR though. Why is he so butthurt?

I agree. it is a bit OTT its not like he got banned or demoted

a bit OTT

a bit? :P The only real reason to report staff is if they did something incredibly wrong. Not a silly kick,

I agree with Subarashiviii.

[My Take In The Issue: (Two cents ,bitcoin ,whatever)]

It’s just a F***ing Kick… It’ll only take a few seconds to relog… What’s the big deal?


Edit: I wouldn’t give a Sh*t unless it’s your first kick EVER or you don’t know how to react to a kick properly.

I’m not that assed about the kick why I was piss off its because zorm was Specking in French and I was the one who got kicked because Dico does not like and all the fan boys can suck me big toe if u don’t like what I’m saying simple he’s only a person
And to @subarashiviii rules are rules what’s the point having them if u don’t fucking us them pls tell me this one so he one of the owners of the server does not mean the rules don’t apply to him

James your over reacting you dont seam to realise that things like “No spamming” dosent count of your correcting a reply or. “no links” dosent count if your having a conversation in /msg etc etc etc. Honestly, if rules were 100% followed here redstoner would be shit.

EDIT : Jam, this thread is a prime example of what we mean when we tell you to be nice. This whole thread is you flamming everyone telling you the truth

So James, You’re Saying You made an enemy with an admin?

GL Then…

EDIT: also i think Dico dislikes me too :P But… I Don’t Give A FUU-

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