redstoner login password hacked?

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I set a password for redstoner so only I could get on using my account.Somebody must have changed it because it isn`t working anymore.Because of this I cant go on redstoner anymore.
This is very unlikely. However, you can contact a staff member to have this issue resolved. This post is in the wrong place, it should be under redstoner (other) not off-topic
Ask a staff member here, using the @ command.

Lets try and get some staff here, shall we? (lol)

@jomo @Asecta @Dico200 @Gapbrick @bannanalord @gundershot @ipfreely644 @Doom_Blah @KotovSyndrom @sidney600 @Mothership_Q

Did you change your name?
what do you mean by change your name?
You can change your in game minecradt name. But since you didnt know what it was i assume you didn’t change your name
Lol, yeah you were on here asking me to ban you beacuse you need to focus on school, then changed your password to just random keyboard mashing and left, assuming to prevent yourself from playing?

no I didnt. I wasnt on for the past 20 hours from right now.(21:40)Australia,NSW. And i`m not even in high school yet.

Can you change my password or remove it or something?

Wellllll looking thru the logs, you connected with the same ip you use now, and asked console to ban you, after wich you changed your password to random stuff did /logout and dced.

Altho it does also show you trying to login using your old password now, but idk whats going on here…

My two cents :

You’re most likely lieing to us as you’re using the same IP’s. Not only is this a huge problem with your lie but it’s not exactly making you look smarter than saying “I forgot my password”

So lets recap, for someone to “hack” this they would need to:

-be on your internet connection -know your mc password -know your login password

I think its highly unlikely

Can you remove it or something though panda?
first 2? yes for someonecoughmy brother
Well yeah i can, but id like you to explain what happened if that wouldnt be too much of an issue
also ill have to wait for someone with a rank on the website to check if your ip matches for security reasons
I dont know what happened. When i came on today at about 11 it said “password invalid”

. . . it says invalid password because a


changed your password

umm i dont think so and i was building my 7x7 door. and i have no idea what you meant by “ip adress” brother probably used HIS computer. 3.I was building. There, I answered your 3 questions in your reply
Yes for account, mabye for login

Does your brother know your Minecraft account credentials and/or /login password?

Yes for account, mabye for login

Thats your problem :3

But he said that he didnt even know what he typed. and now hes threatening to change my minecraft account password.
Take that up with your parents.

Or just change ur mc password now.

As for this:

The last IP address you used here hasn’t been seen on the MC server. Why is that?

I suppose he might’ve been typing from school where the allowed ports are usually extremely limited?

ummm yea.password already changed. access to mc=gone.
Why don’t you maybe… Tell your mother? That’s like, basic common sense.
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